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Time Has Come! by General James Green
“An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.” Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
THE TIME FOR REVOLUTION HAS COME! I’m speaking of spiritual revolution. This is God’s idea, not man’s. The old preacher of Ecclesiastes (3:1-8) gave the world, especially Israel, this wisdom. The LORD never leaves things/time to blind fate, no, He has times and seasons in which He works. Worldly events, good and bad, are ordered by His will.
It Is Time... THE LORD IS JUST sick of this “thing” called “Church” today; therefore He is raising up Himself a new people, a people out of a people who will love and obey Him. This revolutionary change will change the world, for God’s idea will become a living reality. As the Church plays “Church”, God will call men, women, boys and girls out of her detestable ranks and form up a mighty army, a Holy Tribal Nation. You say, “The Church is already His Holy Tribal Nation.” Friends, the current Church is backslid as Hell and God knows it too. It has become ineffective insomuch as it has become “man-centered” and not “Christ-centered”. Only a dumb and blind person would not see and understand this.
The Called Out WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT formed the first Ekklesia (“called out ones”), the people were called and chosen. Do you think that the Lord does not have the right (idea) to call out a people out of a people for His own purpose today? In the broadest sense, God’s sovereign rule out-rules man’s—even “religious” or “Christian” man. This is divine providence at work. It was never His will to let His people take on the attributes and characteristics of the sinful pagans—yet the Church has done and is doing this very thing as I write. She can’t wait to partake of the world and all its filth. Why not confess the truth?
For Truth’s Sake “Truth is the only safe-ground to stand on.” E.C. Stanton (1815-1902)
TRUTH HAS BEEN TWISTED that now it has become a lie, and lies have now become truth. We can’t deny this. Yet God is still in control. There are times when He allows men to do “their own” thing, so to speak. And there are times when He says “Enough is enough!”—this time has come. If the Church insists and persists in her anti-Christ ways, God will let her alone—even those who were meant to be the remnant “called out ones”—and He will raise up another people.
Hear the Word of the Lord Word for Jan. 2, 2007
Words Of The Spirit
God Can Make The Way For Us When There Appears To Be No Way. Many Of God’s Own People Are A Grief To Him, For They Seek The World And End Up Cursed.
Message #2714 I speak unto thee this day I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to look to continually. I say that it is me the Living God who will make the way for thee when it appears that there is no way for I am well able. It is me the Living God who is able to heal thee when physicians have long since given up on thee. I say that it is me the Living God who is able, who is able, who is able. But I say in this wicked and perverse generation that my own people do not believe in me. For I say though they say that they love me, though they say that they believe me, I say that their actions do not reflect the same. I say that they run to the counselors of Egypt, I say they go down into Sodom to seek their wisdom. I say in so doing that they are a grief, a sorrow, a shame unto me.
I say that it is me the Living God who desires that my people would keep their vision stayed upon me continually, that my people would walk in me continually all of their days. I say that it is me the Living God who is meant to be the all in all unto my people. I say that my people are meant to accept my righteousness, accept my judgments, accept my truth and my instruction. I say that it is me the Living God who does give forth that which my people have need time and again. I say if my people would come unto me, so could they be healed, so could they be made whole, so could they be restored. But I say that my people fail to cleave to me, they fail to run into me, and I say they are taken out of the way. I say they are taken out of the way of truth, the way of light, the way of purpose, the way of my glory. I say they are taken into deception, they are taken into torments, they are taken into anguish. I say all the while they were meant to be adhering unto me the Living God drinking of the waters of purity that I provide. I say if my own people who are called by my name would accept those things that I have for them, I say that they would be kept, they would be uplifted, they would be directed. I say that it is me the Living God who does have the truth that my people would walk in the same and be made free.
I say that it is me the Living God who will give truth unto my own if they will but walk uprightly in me. I say that it has been my purpose even from the beginning that men would receive the truth, cleave unto the truth and be made free in me. But I say because my people will go in the way of evil, that is accepting deception and cleaving unto the same, I say they are cursed by that. I say they walk under the curse, they live in the curse, they exhibit the curse and all the while they claim that they are mine. But I say that I the Living God have never called my children to be cursed, but I have called them to be blessed. That is I have called my people to come forth in me rejoicing always.
I say that it is me the Living God who is the rock of refuge, it is me the Living God who is the strength, the glory. It is me the Living God who is the life everlasting intended for my own. I say when my people who are called by my name will look to me, and adhere unto me, I say they are kept, they are guided, they are directed, they are instructed. Why, oh why, oh why do my people reject me, why do they reject my truth, my light, my strength, my glory? I say why do they settle themselves down to live under the curse that comes of relying upon the flesh? I say that I the Living God do not desire thee to be reliant upon carnality, but I desire thee to be reliant upon me. I say that I desire that you would come forth in the truth of who I am, rejoicing always that it is me that you can believe in. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the words of life, the words of truth, that you can be guided always. It is me the Living God who delights to uplift thee in that which I have purposed for thee.
Therefore I say unto thee this day do not be as the foolish, the dull, the dumb who reject my counsel. For I say when my people who are called by my name, will be rejecting my counsel what is it that they are accepting? I say they are accepting the counsel of the lying spirits, the counsel of demons, and I say that there is no reason to become imprisoned by the same. But I say that my people who are called to be free to follow after me are instead held in captivity and bondage unable to move because they are oppressed by the oppressor. But I say that comes to them because they refuse to cleave unto the truth, to accept the truth, to delight themselves in the truth. I say this day that though the truth may seem hard and harsh, and unloving unto thee, I say that it is not so. I say that I the Living God do send the truth unto my people to ferret out the deception, to ferret out the lies, to ferret out those things that are of other gods. But I say that because my people do not trust in me, I say they accept those things that keep them in bondage and captivity more than they will be accepting of the truth. But I say that it is me the Living God who does intend that my people would walk in the truth, walk in the light, the strength, the power, the glory of who I am. It is me the Living God who does intend that my people would come forth being made glad always in me.
I say that it is me the Living God who will provide the truth unto my people that they could be uplifted and brought forth time and again. It is me the Living God who does provide the truth unto my people that they could be strengthened by the same. Therefore I say this day if you will learn to love my truth, I say that my truth shall set thee free. I say that you will be freed from the oppression, you will be freed from the bondage, you will be freed from the captivity that comes of the curse. I say that you will be brought forth in the blessedness, that I the Living God delight to give unto thee. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the truth, who will give thee the light, who will guide thee in mercy time and again. It is me the Living God who will show unto thee that I am able, I am able, I am able.
I say that I am able to provide unto thee all that you have need of time and again. I say that I am able to provide unto thee that which will keep thee in the pathway of life. I say that I the Living God never brought my people out of Egypt for them to die prematurely in the wilderness. I say that I never intended evil for my people, no not at all. But I say that it was me the Living God who had the land of promise, the land of goodness, the land of abundance. I say that I had that land in preparation for my own people but I say they received it not.
I say that it was not because I the Living God did not have such things already prepared for them. But I say that it was because they went and followed after the counsel of deception, they went and took themselves under the curse, I say they turned aside to an evil heart of unbelief and likewise accusation against me. I say this day do not turn to unbelief and make it thy partner, make it thy bedfellow, make it thy peace. For I say to turn to unbelief is to turn to destruction and to turn away from me. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to be in an evil heart of unbelief, but I say that I call thee to be continually trusting in me. I say that I call thee to look unto me, to believe in me, to release thy selves unto that which I have intended for thee. I say that it is me the Living God who has intended the truth, who has intended the light, who has intended the mercy. It is me the Living God who has intended that you would come forth, able to give thanks and praise always.
I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee such as you have need of time and again. It is me the Living God who will uplift thee and bring thee forth in the way that I have provided, the way that I have intended, the way that is my glory. I say if you will be accepting and not rejecting of that which I have for thee, I say that you will be made whole. I say that it is a pleasure unto me to see my people come forth in my blessedness, come forth in my mercy, come forth in my life. I say that I the Living God have prepared the way of abundance, I have prepared the way of mercy, I have prepared the way of blessedness for those who will follow after me. I say if my people who are called by my name will release themselves unto me, I say that they will be guided in the way that I provide. I say that they will be uplifted, able to give thanks and praise always unto me.
I say that it is me the Living God who is the truth, it is me the Living God who is the light, it is me the Living God who is the glory. I say when you will be released unto me, that I the Living God will uplift thee and purpose thee for my own good plan. I say that I the Living God will bring thee forth that you can be made glad all of thy days. I say that thy face shall shine with the glory of who I am, for you will be believing and likewise receiving of me. I say that it is me the Living God who has good intentions prepared for all of those who will be trusting, who will be believing, and likewise receiving of me.
I say that it is me the Living God who is truth, and power, strength, and glory. It is me the Living God who will make the way that no man can make for I am well able. It is me the Living God that you are meant to cleave unto, day by day, by day. Indeed I say that I the Living God have called my people to be married unto me. That is, I have called my people to cleave unto me, to believe in me, to accept my divine husband ship over their lives. I say when my people will be accepting of the same, they will find that their delight is in me. They will find that they are uplifted and brought forth, they will find that they are given hope, they will find that they are given joy for I the Living God can provide the same.
Therefore I say this day do not be wallowing in self pity, do not be living in doubt, and accusation against me. But I say even this day release those things and come into the acceptance that I the Living God do care for thee. I say that it is me the Living God who has brought thee forth, it is me the Living God who has spared thee from a burning hell. It is me the Living God who has called thee my own and desired that you would be accepting of me. I say if you will truly within your selves release unto me, you will find that I the Living God will guide thee, and guide thee, and guide thee. I say that you will find that I will uplift thee and cause thee to come forth being made glad always in me.
I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the mercy, who will give thee the goodness, who will give thee the life. It is me the Living God who will bring thee forth that you can be made glad always, giving thanks and praise unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who will cover thee in the divine presence of who I am. It is me the Living God who is well able to heal thee, even in the deepest wounds I am able to bring my healing balm. I say that it is me the Living God who will uplift thee and cause thee to be restored in the rightness of relationship unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who desires to release thee from the captivity, from the oppression, from the bondage that is encamped against thee. It is me the Living God who desires to give thee the truth, that you could walk in the same all the days of thy life and be made free.
Therefore I say this day rejoice to accept my covering, accept my lordship, accept my mercy. I say rejoice to know that it is me the Living God who has goodness in store for thee. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the truth, give thee the light, give thee the mercy. It is me the Living God who will bring thee forth if you will be released unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who is goodness, it is me the Living God who is mercy, it is me the Living God who is truth. I say this day be glad to be accepting of all that I provide thee that you can be brought forth in me. I say that it is me the Living God who will speak the word and you shall be released from the captivity, from the bondage, from the oppression that the enemy has put upon thee. I say therefore this day be willing to accept that which I the Living God desire to give unto thee, I say there is no reason to be a captive slave of demon spirits, there is every reason to come forth in me. I say there is every reason to accept my covering, to accept my headship, to accept my lordship in thy lives. I say as you are accepting of the truth, that the truth shall set thee free.
Everything is under the Lord’s total control, yet men in their rebellion refuse to walk in righteousness. Jesus died for the sins of the WHOLE world, yet the WHOLE world will not accept this incredible free gift of salvation. Men prefer to live under the curse. Likewise, the current Church is not, I repeat, IS NOT! walking where she is called to walk. This puts the Lord in position to bring severe sanctions against her.
Need NOT Man’s Approval ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IS ORDERED by the One True God, with or without man’s approval. He can make the best even out of man’s refusal to walk uprightly. There are 14 pairs of opposites in Ecclesiastes (e.g., “a time to live, and a time to die...”), and these pairs cover “the widest range of human activity”. They are exclusively Divine activities in respect to their appointment—i.e., “a proper time for the LORD God to act.” God’s sovereignty demands that all activities and appointments rest upon His will (see Deut. 32:39; Ps. 75:2; 102:13).
God Knows—Men Do Not GOD DOES NOT NEED man’s input or advice when He is ready to move. True, He does at times speak to His prophets and ministers, letting them know some things, but as a whole, men are in the dark about “the ways and means of the Living God”. This is good, actually, for this puts men in the place where they must wait upon the Lord to move in His own timing. There is no doubt in my mind that all things, ALL THINGS are under His ultimate sovereign control (read Jer. 10:23 also).
So... WHEN GOD SAYS ITS time for a change (revolution means “change”), it is time for change—and revolutionary change will change the whole world. Let the Church go on playing the whore, God will raise up a warring people who will walk in dominion and do the things the New Testament requires. Are you ready for REVOLUTION? |
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